In a nugget, I have studied the theories of media, technology, and communication over and beyond. In terms of my experience on the production side of those fields, I have hands-on experience with the Adobe CS4 Suite: PhotoShop, InDesign, and Illustrator. In a "Principles of Graphic Design" class, I became familiar with design and typography. With acquired tools, I have created press kits, logos, and business cards for clients.
Taking this Web Design class now, I am intrigued to learn the basics of designing and creating websites. Although I have HTML experience, I am interested in learning the strings behind web pages more in depth.
Other than enhancing and perfecting my Adobe Suite abilities, I hope to aspire skills in JavaScript, Flash, Video (FinalCut/ AfterEffects), and Dreamweaver in the future. I have dabbled in Audacity, yet I would like to further my knowledge in the program as well as others dealing with audio.
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